STRA Leadership

Chris Luchini


Chris was raised in Las Cruces, NM; graduating from Las Cruces High School and attending New Mexico State University where he obtained an M.S. degree in Physics. After getting a Ph.D. in Physics from University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, he completed a post doc position at the University of Arkansas Little Rock, developing Hybrid Rocket instrumentation and fuel additives. The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory was his next stop, working on modeling and simulation of camera response on spacecraft for comet fly-by missions. After a brief stint at Los Alamos National Laboratory between 1999 and 2001, he entered the private sector and has been running his own businesses since 2002. He lives in White Rock with his wife and two children, both of whom attend Pinion Elementary. He is active as a volunteer (non-profit) firearms instructor for the Los Alamos Sportsman's Club. Any funds collected as part of the classes he teaches are donated to local non-profits and youth programs.

Glen Hansen

Vice President of Development

Glen has focused his career on leading the development of multiphysics analysis codes and algorithms. He led the Computational Multiphysics Department at Sandia National Laboratories from 2014-2020, which is the home of the ALEGRA, LGR, and FLEXO codes. He was a leader and technical contributor to the Albany finite element code, and helped develop new ALE hydrodynamics capabilities in ALEGRA as well as the GPU-based Lagrangian Grid Reconnection (LGR) code at Sandia. He has also focused on fielding scientific GPU-based products, leading both the development of Mini-Contact as well as the Flux Limited EXtended Ohms-law (FLEXO) pulse power analysis codes. Prior to Sandia, Glen led the Multiphysics Methods Group at the Idaho National Laboratory in developing computational nuclear engineering tools, and was PI of the ASCI meshing effort at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). At LANL, he served as Deputy Group Leader of the Computational Science Methods Group in X-Division. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Idaho, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nebraska, a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Wyoming, and an A.A.S. in Petroleum Engineering Technology from Casper College.

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